Washington Needs a Strong Fossil Fuel Rule, and You Can Help!

By Victoria Leistman, Dirty Fuels Organizer

The Department of Ecology is developing a new rule on evaluating fossil fuel projects. Submit a comment today and urge Department of Ecology Officials to use the best available science for evaluating greenhouse gas emissions (climate impacts) of coal, oil, and gas projects in WA state!

Take Action!

For many years now, Sierra Club and our partners across the environmental and social justice movement in the Northwest have stood up to fossil fuel projects in our region. We know that coal, oil, and fracked gas wreak havoc on our climate, put our health and safety at risk, and target harm on low-income communities of color.

We have been fighting -- and winning -- at stopping these projects for so long that our region has been deemed “the Thin Green Line” that is holding the resistance against fossil fuel companies. It’s been fight after fight, and we are tired of always being on the defensive.

That’s why I’m so excited about the opportunity we have this year to finally get ahead of industry proposals and advocate for a strong fossil fuel rule for Washington state. The Department of Ecology is making a new rule on how fossil fuel projects will be evaluated and this rule will determine baselines for what should be included in environmental reviews. 

This rulemaking process is important because these reviews determine whether or another a fossil fuel project will be greenlit or rejected.  This evaluation must prioritize the health and safety of communities over fossil fuel industry/company profits--that’s why we’re demanding that agencies use the best available science for evaluating greenhouse gas emissions (climate impacts) of coal, oil, and gas projects and center frontline communities. 

We need your help to make a fair and just rulemaking process. Add your voice today and share it in your communities! We will be following up with educational events and all the information you need to get involved. It’s going to take support from all over the state and we’re counting on you to help us spread the word. 

This is our opportunity to get ahead of industry and stop fighting project by project. It’s time to change the rules of the game.


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