Vote, vote early, and vote often.

Red, white, and blue I voted stickers against a white background

Remember how it felt late in the evening on November 8, 2016?  Like many of you, I was heartbroken at the results of the election. The consequences of that night have rippled through the fabric of our country and continue to affect our daily lives in unimaginable ways.   

I will be concise here - elections matter. Every election matters. While we know Sierra Club members turn out to vote in great numbers, we also know that some of our friends, family and neighbors aren't turning out. I urge you to take the time to call, text, or video conference friends and ask them, “please, vote.”

While it is easy to feel disheartened, we must not forget that voting can effect great change in the world around us. To quote the great Michelle Obama, “Don’t boo, vote.” As people who want to protect the environment for generations to come, we have to start today. This is how we stand up to climate change, how we protect our orca and salmon, and how we preserve the Washington we all know and love. Voting is how we make our voices heard, and how we continue to learn, grow, and move on from 2020. Together, we will find a way forward. Happy voting! 

To learn more, please visit our 2020 Voting Guide!

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