Mark Your Calendars for Fall 2020 – Join the Sierra Club’s Battleground States Team!

"I voted" stickers on a white background

By Ross Macfarlane, National Board of Directors

You may have noticed: a huge election is happening this year.  This coming November, everything will be on the line: a healthy climate, safe environment, a functioning democracy, and equity and justice for our most vulnerable communities.  And the Sierra Club is ramping up as never before to ensure our voices and issues are heard and every vote is counted. 

At our last meeting, the Sierra Club National Board approved by far the largest political program that we have ever attempted, focused on leveraging the power of our four million members and supporters to ensure everyone who cares about our issues gets out and votes.  While we haven’t yet endorsed any Presidential Candidate, the Sierra Club is on record that Donald Trump is the worst President for the environment in history, and we can’t afford another four years with his wrecking crew doing errands for the fossil fuel industry and dismantling every possible safeguard for the climate, public lands, and healthy communities.  Similarly, we can’t survive more years of Mitch McConnell’s Senate obstructing all progress on climate, clean energy, public lands, and democracy. Our Battleground States program will be mobilizing in the places where these pivotal races are going to be decided in 2020, ensuring that the voice for climate justice and a clean environment is heard loud and clear!

Living in a “Blue State” like Washington, it can be hard to know how to plug in and meaningfully engage on national politics.  Make no mistake, there are critical races and issues at stake in Washington State, and we want everyone to help our Chapter elect good candidates at every level who are prepared to lead on our issues.  But for those of us who are looking to find meaningful ways to help win the national election, the Sierra Club’s Battleground States program provides the answer. For those of us who can travel, we will be knocking on doors and getting voters to the polls in the states where the election is likely to be closest, for the White House, control of the Senate, and other key races.  There will also be opportunities for people here in Washington to text, make phone calls, and communicate in other ways to potential voters in swing states who care about our issues. 

Speaking personally, I am going to Arizona this fall. I will be helping to lead the Battleground States effort there with Jesse Simons, the Sierra Club’s National Program Director, and my wife and I plan to the final weeks leading up to the election there this fall.  We would love to have as many of you as possible join us for a week or more in the final push before election day. We also hope you will invite your friends and networks to participate, too! 

Arizona is only one target state, of course.  Our political team is making the final selections, but folks can also engage in Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and other key states where the direction of our Country and the fate of our environment will be decided.

Simply put, this is an existential election, where everything we care about is at stake.  None of us want to be sitting at home getting ulcers in the weeks leading up to November 3; or even worse, wishing afterwards that we had done more when it counted.  Sign up now, and let us know that you want to help participate in some way in our Battleground States program. Let’s Make America Green Again in 2020! 

Ross Macfarlane lives in Seattle, and is a member of the National Board of Directors.  He chairs the Business Partnership Committee and is a member of the Finance and Risk and Investment Committees. You can contact him here:; 206-913-9800. 

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