Wild Olympics Clears Congressional Committee Hearing

Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, United States - Morning Light

By Alex Craven, Our Wild America Organizer

Last week, the Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild & Scenic Rivers Act had a successful congressional hearing in the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. This is a key step in the congressional process to pass this legislation.

During the hearing, Representative Derek Kilmer (D-WA-06) eloquently testified in support of the Wild Olympics, and Aberdeen businessman, Roy Nott, flew out to DC to share his testimony in support of the legislation. The hearing went well, and we are now awaiting the next step of consideration at the full committee level. Several media outlets reported on the news, including the Tacoma News Tribune.

This is truly wonderful news. It is a testament to the hard work and support of Olympic Peninsula community members, and to the leadership of both Representative Kilmer and Senator Patty Murray. Their landmark Wild Olympics legislation would permanently protect the Olympic Peninsula's ancient forests, free-flowing rivers, and salmon streams for future generations. It would protect more than 126,500 acres of Olympic National Forest as Wilderness along with 19 rivers and their major tributaries, a total of 464 river miles, as Wild and Scenic Rivers. If enacted, the legislation would designate the first new Wilderness on Olympic National Forest in three decades and the first-ever protected wild and scenic rivers on the Olympic Peninsula.

To learn more, read the campaign press release!

The Wild Olympics Campaign enjoys broad local support on the Olympic Peninsula and Hood Canal region. The Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild & Scenic Rivers Act has been endorsed by over 800 local businesses, Tribes, farms, faith leaders, local elected officials, CEO's, conservation groups, outdoor recreation & sportsmen groups, and over 12,000 local supporters.

Sierra Club is proud to support the Wild Olympics coalition in efforts to secure permanent protections for the ancient forests, salmon streams & wild rivers of the Olympic Peninsula. To learn how you can get involved, please contact Alex Craven.

Photo by Jachan DeVol on Unsplash

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