Fighting to Stop Liquefied “Natural” Gas

By Victoria Leistman, Dirty Fuels Campaign Organizer

Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) proposed eight million gallon liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in Tacoma is a bad idea. PSE is willing to sacrifice community safety, ratepayer money, and Puyallup Tribe land for a gas project that we do not need.

Right now, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) has begun construction on it’s proposed eight million gallon Liquefied “Natural” Gas facility in Tacoma. But, we know we can still stop them! PSE does not have everything that they need to build: they still need to get their air permit application approved by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.

In January, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency dealt the project a set back, requiring further significant environmental review. Based on what they heard from grassroots activists at public information meetings in November, the Air Agency is requiring a supplemental environmental impact statement that accounts for greenhouse gas emissions and a life cycle analysis of fracked gas.

This is a huge step forward!! But, this isn’t over yet. While we await the draft supplemental environmental impact statement, construction continues on the facility. We need to get a Stop Work Order enforced and are exploring the best ways to make that happen.

Most recently, the Seattle City Council met on a government to government basis with Puyallup Tribal Council and passed a resolution of concern regarding this facility. And on March 1st in Tacoma the Tatoosh group hosted a fun trivia night about the risks associated with the LNG facility!

We are working with many local groups who have become like family working against this project. We are honored to stand with the Puyallup Tribal Council, the Water Warriors Movement, Protectors of the Salish Sea, Redefine Tacoma, 350Seattle and 350Tacoma, Native Daily Network, and Tacoma Direct Action, among others.

Meanwhile, we are continuing to educate the public and build a movement of folks fighting for indigenous rights and sound energy investments. We know there’s nothing “natural” about natural gas, two-thirds of which is acquired from the environmentally-destructive practice of fracking. We don’t need or want it in Washington.

Activists like you have made it clear from the beginning that we don't need or want this LNG facility in Washington. Get involved and help us shut down this bad project for good!

Contact me at or the Tatoosh group to get plugged in.


Tell Inslee to stop all fracked gas projects in Washington! Click here.

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

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