Congressional Legislation Update

Sierra Club Director of Lands, Water and Wildlife, Dan Ritzman addresses H.R.3144 (October 12, 2017)

Read his letter to U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources HERE.

Our Puget Sound Orca/Snake River Salmon Connection – (June 4, 2017)

What do Puget Sound Orca and Columbia Basin Rivers have in common...They both need more wild  salmon, particularly from the Snake River.  These two seemingly separate and distinct ecosystems are in fact integrally connected by the Southern Resident Population of Killer Whales (SRKW, e.g. Puget Sound Orca) and the chinook salmon that return to the fabled waters of the Snake and Columbia Rivers.

For several months out of the year, late winter/early spring, orca travel down the Pacific Coast to the mouth of the Columbia River to feed on the chinook salmon that are returning to the Snake and Columbia River’s.   The SRKW population evolved to primarily feed on salmon and mostly on the fat rich chinook salmon.  The largest salmon runs in the world historically returned to the Columbia Basin and over 50% of these salmon came from Snake River and its tributaries.   These fish were, and remain, a critical food source for Puget Sound Orca.  Read the full article HERE.

Business Sign-On Letter opposing HR 3144 (April 20, 2018)

Ten northwest-based business associations and over 130 individual businesses have signed on to a letter opposing H.R. 3144.   The House will vote on H.R. 3144 Wednesday.  You are encouraged to use and send the letter. Click here to read the Business Sign-On Letter Opposing 3144.