
The Utah Sierra Club’s Political Action and Legislative Committees are our local Chapter's grassroots political and legislative lobbying arms. We are unique in Utah. Collectively these committees actively lobby for environmental legislation and endorse pro-environmental candidates during elections through our 501(c)(4) and State PAC. 

Want to stay informed about important legislative developments and opportunities to take action? Click here to sign up for legislative updates.

Sierra Club volunteer lobbying at the Capitol

Volunteers make up the officers and members of the Political Action Committee with support from Chapter staff. Voting members of this Committee must attend a minimum of three meetings per year.

During the legislative session, the Utah Sierra Club Political Committee works to ensure positive environmental outcomes for the state of Utah. Check out this year’s priority legislation, our position, and current status in the bill tracker below.

For the latest status on bills and their location in the legislative process, go to le.utah.gov/



During the legislative session, members of the Legislative Committee actively track environmental legislation, craft policy positions, host lobby trainings, and testify before legislative committees.


After the legislative session, this committee creates a comprehensive legislative scorecard to hold our elected officials accountable and help inform voters. Click here to download a digital copy the 2024 Legislative Scorecard!


2024 Legislative Scorecard



legislative scorecard preview
legislative scorecard preview


legislative scorecard preview
legislative scorecard preview
legislative scorecard preview