Call For Articles for Volume 55/No. 1 of the Utah Sierran

Once again, this is our call for articles and contributions for Volume 55/No. 1 of the Utah Sierran. As always, we invite everyone to submit an article proposal on a topic you think would be of interest to Utah Chapter members and supporters. 

Sierran brings together writers and photographers from across the state to convey the ideals at the heart of the Sierra Club’s mission: that everyone, regardless of race or income, should enjoy the same basic rights to clean air, clean water, a stable climate, and safe and easy access to experience wild nature.  

We are accepting article proposals starting today, November 24, 2021 — December 10th, 2021. 

Submitting your pitch: 

  1. Our newsletters are archived back to 2001 and may be found on our website here. Check out our archives for writing inspiration and ideas, and contact Bill Cutting, Managing Editor, if you have any questions. 

  2. Submit your pitch to Managing Editor Bill Cutting ( and copy Rebekah Ashley ( with the subject line: Utah Sierran Pitch. Submissions will be considered for publication at the editors' discretion.

  3. Your pitch should include a 50-75 word summary of your article. This is the most important part, and should capture the main points of the article and why it matters to Utahns.

  4. Please include your proposed article title, any relevant calls to action, and an author bio (who are you and why is this article important to you). 

Please keep in mind: The Utah Sierran reflects the work of Sierra Club supporters working in Utah to make effective change that protects people and the planet. In order to publish, all article submissions must: 

  1. Align with Sierra Club’s Mission & Vision

  2. Reflect our organizational values and commitment to the Jemez Principles in alignment with our Equity Language Guide

  3. Comply with Sierra Club’s Conservation Policies and Organizational Policies

  4. Comply with Sierra Club’s Standards of Conduct 

Thanks to all in advance, and a special shout-out to our faithful, regular contributors. This newsletter would not be possible without your support!