ICYMI: Utah Youth Strike For Global Climate Action

“With both the COVID, climate, and every crisis in history, overexploited countries and marginalized sectors of society are systematically left behind to fend for themselves,” read the Global Climate Strike statement. “...Together we will fight for a just future where no one is left behind.”

This message laid the foundation for the 2021 Global Climate Strike, and remains the bedrock of the movement for change that supports the protection of the planet -- and each other. 

We were honored to participate in the planning and success of the Salt Lake City Global Climate Strike on September 24, 2021. Hosted by Fridays for Future Utah, with support from Ecotopia Now!, Mobile Moon Coop, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance, Utah Youth Environmental Solutions Network, HEAL Utah, and more, this year’s strike called for intersectional climate justice everywhere. 

ICYMI — See the event recap below, with scenes from the strike captured by Grey Jensen and Ryan McCalmon.

On Friday crowds gathered at Washington Square, singing and chanting, with the theme #UpRootTheSystem. Youth activists expressed concerns for having a livable future, holding signs that read “Defend Our Future” and “If You Won’t Act Like Adults, We Will…” 

After activists made their way from Washington Square to the Capitol (the same route they took in 2019) the crowd gathered for an emissions free rally that became one of the largest protests since the start of the Pandemic. Many participated in painting or drawing, some accepted the invitation to share their vision for climate justice during an open mic.

“Youth are already anxious about their futures although a different kind of jeopardy strikes them this day in age. They, the least responsible for the destruction of their home, are today's leaders in the fight for a livable future,” says Raquel Juarez, Fridays For Future Youth Organizer and Artist. “The climate strikers are asking government leaders to intervene now to stop behaviors harming the systems that support human life.” 

“Parents, grandparents, teachers, and government officials; do you love us, do you love your children?” asks Natalie Roberts, Fridays For Future Youth Organizer. “If you truly did, we wouldn’t be scared to death about what our future will hold. We wouldn’t be striking weekly to demand action on the climate crisis you have caused.” 

During the event a large banner was stretched across the capitol steps and participants were invited to call out the oppressive systems that have created the climate crisis. With topics ranging from capitalism to patriarchy, racism and more, the banner became a symbolic wall of the issues that we must break through to achieve climate justice. 

With Gabe Dominguez from Ecotopia Now! singing and the crowd chanting, people locked arms and ran through the banner as a symbolic smashing of the issues. Later on Arlo Dominguez, 6-year-old activist, sang “The temperatures are rising and so are we, rise up!”.

To stay up to date about Utah climate strikes follow Fridays For Future Utah on Facebook and InstagramWe also invite you to commit to further action in Utah by joining one of Sierra Club's local volunteer teams. Click HERE  to learn more and sign up today!