List of Upcoming Local Outings
Visit the Alamo Sierra Club Outings page on Meetup for detailed information about all of our upcoming Sierra Club Outings.
National Sierra Club Outings
You can find both US and international outings on the Sierra Club's National Outings page.
Outings Rules
Outings are usually suitable for the whole family; check with the leaders for details and to verify dates. No dogs [unless the outing is specified as dog-friendly], radios, recreational drugs, firearms, or unescorted children are allowed on Sierra Club outings. Public consumption of alcohol is prohibited during scheduled activities. Most outings are free. Fees, if any, offset trip and administrative costs.
If you have never been on an Alamo Group outing, or if it's been a while, please take a few minutes to read our complete Outings Rules.
Liability Waiver
All participants on Sierra Club outings are required to sign a standard liability waiver. You can read the waiver and learn more about Local Outings on the Local Outdoors Resources page, or contact Stan Drezek (493-0939) for a printed version of the waiver.

The hike was organized by the Friends of Govt Canyon,
but most of the participants were Sierra Club members. — January 4, 2014