November 2021 Program - Citizens' Climate Lobby (recorded)

Fred LeMay, Volunteer and Chapter Leader of the Williamson County Citizens’ Climate Lobby will present the basics of carbon pricing and will provide a briefing on current developments in taking on climate change challenges.

November 11 2021 at 7:00 PM

 View this Program on YouTube

Sierra Club has asked us to continue presenting programs virtually until is is safe for us to resume in-person events later this summer

Please watch for more about that on our website. We hope to all be together in just a few more weeks.


The latest scientific assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be reviewed. This will be followed by a discussion of potential corrective measures including carbon pricing/cap and trade strategies as well as what you can do to support legislation to tackle climate change.

Due to the increased number of COVID cases, this presentation will only be viewable via ZOOM.
A video of the program will be available on YouTube soon after the presentation.



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