Middle Tennessee Group

Calling All Wildflower Scouts for Mar 29 Beaman Hike

It’s happening next Saturday, Mar. 29 at Beaman Park. No telling what beautiful ephemerals we may see! REGISTER HERE to join Sierra Club MidTN Group on this moderate, kid-friendly hike.

Beaman Hike

Black Line

The Middle TN Group has revived Sierra & Suds
First Wednesday of the Month, 6-8 PM
Fat Bottom Brewery, 800 44th Ave N, Nashville
Sierra & Suds on April 2, 2025. See you there!

It’s a monthly meet-and-greet for people who want to save the planet (or make a difference in our neck of the woods). Come and share your stories about environmental successes, camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, or whatever adventure you prefer! Every pint raised raises $1 for the Middle Tennessee Group, which is Sierra Club’s boots on the ground working local, critical environmental issues.

Sierra and Suds

Black Line

Monthly Meet and Greet
Radnor State Park & Natural Area Visitor Center
Thursday, April 10 @7 PM
Knowing and Preserving Middle Tennessee’s Indigenous Past

Albert Bender, local president of the Indigenous People’s Coalition, will present findings from archaeologists and historians regarding the ancient indigenous peoples of Middle Tennessee. Bender, a Cherokee activist, historian, political columnist, and freelance reporter, was instrumental in the push to rename Cumberland Park downtown “Asiago Park,” reflecting the original Shawnee name of the Cumberland River.

Social gathering with refreshments begins at 6:30
Register here.

The optional pre-program hike meets in parking lot at 5:30. 
Register for hike here.  

In case you missed the March 13 program about Bluebirds, you can watch a summary video here.

Black Line

Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet. 

Middle Tennessee Group Counties


Our Mission - Who We Are

To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives.

Black Line

 View Our Calendar

Check our calendar for meetings, programs, events and outings of
Middle Tennessee Group, the Tennessee Chapter and the Clarksville-Montgomery County Group.

Donate to Support Local Environmental Change Right Here in Tennessee

We need your help to protect bedrock environmental laws all across Tennessee. Your monthly donation to the Tennessee Chapter of the Sierra Club supports the awesome work of our volunteers and staff. Help us to protect our environment, our wildlife, our forests, our waterways, the air we breathe, the lands we share right here in Tennessee.

ICO - Helping Young People Explore Nature

You love nature? You love helping young 
people explore and enjoy nature?

Our ICO (Inspiring Connections Outdoors) programs provide activities such as hikes, canoeing, and outdoor adventures for kids who don't get a chance for that. You can join us in providing those events. See our ICO page for details. These young people need you! See our Photo Gallery of our events.

Our Summer 2025 ICO programs will be planned soon! Contact Charlie High if you would like to help out.


Check our calendar for meetings, programs, events and outings of
Middle Tennessee Group, the Tennessee Chapter and the Clarksville-Montgomery County Group.

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