February 2021 Program - The Nashville Food Project (not recorded)

The Nashville Food Project
"To bring people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food"

In light of the Coronavirus Outbreak this was a virtual program via Zoom

Video recording is not available

On Thursday February 11, at 7:00 pm, the Middle Tennessee Group for Sierra Club hosted a Zoom program featuring The Nashville Food Project.

Elizabeth Langgle-Martin from The Nashville Food Project joined us for our February monthly program!

The mission of The Nashville Food Project is to bring people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food. The goals are cultivating community and alleviating hunger in our city.



If you have an appetite for gardening, cooking, food recovery, or learning about the greater food system in which we live and breathe, please join us in this time with Elizabeth to explore these topics in relation to The Nashville Food Project. 

Farmer Harvesting Farmer cultivating

Food Vegetables


More background can be found at The Nashville Food Project.

Missed the program? Want to view it again? See the recording on YouTube.


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