MTG Program Sustainability in Schools

February 2018

Karen McIntyre presented a program on the work of Westmeade Elementary School to become Tennessee’s first sustainability magnet school. Ms. McIntyre described the many nature programs and partnerships that already exist at Westmeade, inspiring students and faculty.

Karen McIntyre believes that encouraging wonder and curiosity are cornerstones of life-long learning, Libraries have traditionally been the 'poor man's university,' according to a quote attributed to Andrew Carnegie (the philanthropist who funded so many public free libraries: "There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration."    Ms. McIntyre is also an advocate for nature education as a means of helping students be healthy and whole individuals, and along with a P.E. teacher she started our school garden in 2008.

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