ICYMI: Trump Straws, Paris Is Burning, Fugitive Emu & More

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

Illustrations by Peter Arkle

July 26, 2019

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign sells more than 140,000 plastic “Trump straws,” meant to mock plastic-straw bans. 

Five previously unknown coral reefs are discovered off the southwestern Gulf coast of Mexico.

The temperature in Paris hits 108.6ºF, surpassing the previous record by 4º. 

During a heat wave in Alaska, the temperature of the Deshka River, an important salmon stream in the Cook Inlet watershed, hits 81.7º, potentially lethal for spawning adult and juvenile fish.

More than 1,000 salmon return to Maine’s Penobscot River for the first time since 2011.

The first grizzly bear in 80 years shows up in Idaho’s Bitterroot ecosystem.

After a family approaches within five feet of a Yellowstone bison, a nine-year-old girl is headbutted and thrown in the air

Capturing CO2 from the air could demand up to a quarter of the world’s energy by 2100. 

The grid operator in Texas reports that in the first six months of 2019, wind generated more electricity than coal

A lightning storm in India kills 33 farmers working in their fields. 

A lightning-sparked wildfire burns 177 square miles near the Idaho National Laboratory nuclear research facility

William Perry Pendley, a conservative lawyer who supports the privatization of public landsis now in charge of the Bureau of Land Management.             

Trump officials in the US Department of Agriculture bury a sweeping plan to help farmers deal with climate change. 

Bypassing the Trump administration, four major automakers strike a deal with California to increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles sold in the United States. 

Ford releases a video showing its new, all-electric F-150 pickup towing 10 double-decker railcars weighing 1.25 million pounds. 

Four members of a large polygamist clan in Utah admit to defrauding the US of more than half a billion dollars in renewable-fuel tax credits.

Bacterial samples taken from US beaches in 2018 show that on at least one day of that year, more than half of the beaches were unsafe for swimming

The United Arab Emirates is cutting carbon emissions by powering cement production with camel dung.  

EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler opposes an international agreement that would limit the United States’ ability to send its plastic trash abroad

Wheeler also refuses to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos, which has been shown to damage children’s brain development even at low doses. 

The market cap of Beyond Meat, maker of vegan meatlike products, surpasses that of JM Smuckers. 

fugitive emu in North Carolina has evaded capture for nearly a month.