ICYMI: Songbird Smuggler, Bad Beer & Where’s the Beef?

By Paul Rauber

Illustrations by Peter Arkle

April 30, 2021

A man is arrested at New York's Kennedy International Airport with 35 chestnut-bellied seed finches from Guyana hidden in hair curlers under his clothing. 

Researchers find 27,000 corroding barrels of what may be DDT on the ocean floor off the Southern California coast near Catalina Island. 

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals orders the EPA to ban the pesticide chlorpyriphos, ruling that the agency has acted illegally in allowing its continued use.

The average American wastes 422 drink containers a year, most of them single-use plastic.  

The US Senate reinstates an Obama-era rule, rescinded by the Trump administration, to control leaks of the powerful greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas wells. 

California governor Gavin Newsom bans all new fracking in the state starting in 2024, and calls for all oil extraction to end by 2045.

A new species of a venomous, “tarantula-like” spider is discovered in South Florida, the Pine Rockland trapdoor spider (Ummidia richmond). 

Twelve thousand sterile, genetically altered mosquitoes are being released in the Florida Keys to evaluate whether they can reduce numbers of the invasive, disease-carrying Aedes aegypti species.

vaccine for malaria produced by Oxford University has a 77 percent efficacy rate. According to the World Health Organization, the mosquito-borne disease kills 400,000 people a year.  

New Belgium produces a bad-tasting version of its flagship Fat Tire beer to demonstrate the possible effects of climate change on brewing. 

Japan cancels its last coal-fired power plant project.

Republicans attack President Joe Biden's climate plan, falsely claiming that it limits people to four pounds of meat a year

Food site Epicurious will publish no new recipes including beef.

NRA head Wayne LaPierre has difficulty shooting an elephant at point-blank range. 

The Irish director of a wildlife foundation and two Spanish journalists making a documentary about poaching are killed by jihadists in Burkina Faso. 

The EPA is set to restore California’s ability to set more stringent clean-car standards.  

Three of the top lawyers representing fossil fuel companies in lawsuits involving climate change are also top donors to the Democratic Party.

Hawai'i’s legislature votes to fine people $500 for intentionally releasing balloons.

Colorful fish are turning drab as warmer surface temperatures force them to greater depths. Their fading colors may decrease their ability to find mates.