ICYMI: Colorless Fall, Coal-less Future & “That’s a Lemur!”

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

October 23, 2020


Illustration by Peter Arkle

Climate change is leading to drab fall foliage.

The Supreme Court agrees to consider the Sierra Club’s challenge to President Trump’s use of $2.5 billion in military funds to pay for his border wall.

France nixes a $7 billion deal by the French company Engie to buy liquefied natural gas from Texas because Trump’s deregulation has made the gas too dirty.

A federal judge in Montana invalidates three major BLM land-use decisions in the state because William Perry Pendley—who was never confirmed by the Senate—was illegally leading the agency at the time.

After California suffers five of the six largest wildfires in its history, FEMA denies it federal disaster assistance on the grounds that the fires were not large or severe enough. After appeals from state officials, President Trump reverses course and grants the aid. 

Portland General Electric closes its Boardman power plant, Oregon’s last coal-fired facility. 

Arch Resources, one of the largest coal-mining companies in the world, is getting out of the thermal coal business.

According to Moody’s Investors Service, US demand for coal will continue to decline no matter who is elected president.

The Brazilian government of Jair Bolsonaro sent four secret agents to last year’s COP25 climate talks in Madrid to intimidate Brazilian environmentalists and their own delegation.

Bottle-fed infants ingest 1,580,000 plastic particles each day.

Florida wildlife officials bust a ring of poachers who have illegally trapped 3,600 flying squirrels over the past three years and shipped them to South Korea.

A five-year-old boy finds the San Francisco Zoo’s missing lemur in a school playground.