ICYMI: Bezos’s Billions, Damming the North Sea, Koala Calamity & More

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

February 21, 2020


Illustration by Peter Arkle

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion to fight climate change

Scientists propose protecting Europe from sea level rise by damming the North Sea

Climate risk from extreme weather could spark the next recession. 

EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler dismisses a severe climate scenario used in scientific models as “fear propaganda.”  

Activists protesting air pollution dress as Wonder Woman and interrupt the championship South Africa–England cricket match in Pretoria. 

Solar and wind power are finding it hard to compete with record low prices for gas

A jury awards a Missouri peach farmer whose orchard was damaged by the pesticide dicamba $15 million in compensatory damages and a quarter billion dollars in punitive damages from chemical giants Bayer and BASF.  

Donald Trump is still interested in Greenland.

Google’s parent company, Alphabet, shuts down Makani, a “moonshot” wind power project employing turbines on tethered kites. 

Tyendinaga Mohawk protesters in Ontario, Canada, block a major eastern Canadian rail line in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people in western British Columbia, who are trying to prevent the Coastal GasLink pipeline across their land.

Research from Rice University shows that white racial privilege is a factor in climate disasters when the federal government buys out flood-damaged homes. 

Under the Trump administration, cleanups of toxic Superfund sites hit a 30-year low. 

As many as 10,000 koalas perished in the recent wildfires in New South Wales, Australia.