Marin Group

The Sierra Club Wants You!

Help the Sierra Club be a powerful voice for the environment in Marin as well as a great place for members to enjoy our beautiful natural areas.  The Marin Group of the Sierra Club is looking for members who want to be more active!

Beyond the Fog Podcast on Sierra Club History with Chance Cutrano
Want to know more about what we're up to? Check out this Beyond the Fog podcast with our Bay Chapter Chair and Marin Group ExCom's Chance Cutrano: Feel free to share with others and especially to those who might be interested in running for ExCom in Marin or elsewhere.

The Marin Group Executive Committee is the governing body for the Sierra Club at the local level. It oversees essential functions of the Marin Group: deciding local conservation policy, endorsing political candidates, and administering programs and activities. All Club members who live in Marin County are automatically members of the Marin Group and are eligible to serve on the Executive Committee. This committee meets the second Thursday of every month from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. 

The Conservation Committee vets environmental issues of concern leading to official letters, suggestions for policy and positions, and meeting with local elected officials and staff. This committee meets right before the Executive Committee on the second Thursday of every month, from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. All Sierra Club members are welcome to join this committee at any time to listen and vote on issues that are being discussed.

Mount Tamalpais, Marin County, California

Get Involved!

The need has never been greater for your active participation on environmental issues. The Sierra Club has many opportunities for you to help lead us to a more just, healthy world. All Sierra Club members are welcome to join our Executive Committee (ExCom) or Conservation Committee (ConsCom) meetings. (See our Meeting Schedule). Or contact us to find out how you might best fit into the organization. We are doing great things in Marin—come be a part of it!

Thanks to our committed team of volunteers, we offer a pretty impressive list of accomplishments. Join us, won't you?

Check out Marin Group Accomplishment

Stay Informed

It can be hard to stay on top of everything that's going on in the environment in your community and the larger Bay Area. That's where your monthly Bay Chapter Bulletin comes in; here you'll find a selection of the most important news and events for the coming month. You can also find daily updates in the Yodeler and on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Dig in!

The Sierra Club Marin Group consists of approximately 5400 members who live in Marin County, governed by an Executive Committee of up to 11 elected volunteer leaders. The Marin Group is one of the oldest and largest environmental organizations in Marin County and continues to be a strong and active advocate for environmental issues. All Sierra Club members who live in Marin County are automatically members of the Marin Group as well as the San Francisco Bay Chapter.

For more information on the larger Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club, please visit:

Group Activities

  • Organizing hikes and outings to visit and learn about Marin's natural beauty and resources.
  • Investigating issues of importance to Marin's environment.
  • Preserving of wild and open spaces, habitat and wildlife in Marin County.
  • Acting as public advocates including lobbying City, County, and other officials on issues that affect Marin's environment: land development proposals, water supply, transportation, agriculture, parks, recreation, trails, wildlife protection, toxics, environmental justice.
  • Interviewing candidates for elected office, researching ballot measures, and providing voting guides for our members.
  • Presenting informative and hands-on programs about local issues, habitat and governmental process issues.
  • Voting green in Marin -- Political endorsements 
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