San Geronimo Valley Restoration


vote no on measure D

Vote NO on Measure D

March 2020 Ballot measure
Measure D, prepared by special interests, would limit uses of the property that are under consideration as part of the Reimagine San Geronimo community process, including a new fire station and revitalized clubhouse. It would not bring golf back; it would leave the property in a largely fallow state. Measure D would also create a precedent whereby outside interests can actually override a community plan. The Committee to Protect, Connect and Restore San Geronimo Valley was formed to ensure that this does not happen. LEARN MORE and share info widely through social media and by downloading and sharing this flyer. 
 created by San Geronimo residents in support of restoration and the defeat of Measure D.
And Vote NO on D in March this year!


map of san geronimo open space with golf course

October 2019 - The Trust for Public Land, owner of the San Geronimo property, was held an Open House on Sat. Oct. 12.

July 2019 --The Trust for Public Land, current owners of San Geronimo, opened up a process for community engagement on the desired usage for this important property. The Marin Group sent in our letter on what we would like to see happen. Restoration of the creekside areas can play a vital role in helping the endangered coho being to recover. [READ LETTER]

November 2018 - Marin County lost the lawsuit brought by some residents of San Geronimo Valley, which would have required them to do an EIR before the purchase of the land. As a result, they have terminated their contract with Touchstone, which was running the golf course, as of the end of December, they have returned full ownership of the property to the Trust for Public Lands who will now decide what use the property will have. $3M has been set aside for restoration of the Larsen Creek area, which will continue. The opponents of this purchase have no fixed plans for what they would like to see done but are continuing efforts to place a restriction on the property for Marin voters in 2020. We remain hopeful that full restoration of the flood plains and a good usage for the building for community groups can be an eventual outcome. 

Floodplain land of any size is very seldom available for sale in Marin, which is why SC supports the purchase of the SGV Golf Course for open space and restoration.  This area would provide essential floodplain refuge for baby Coho and steelhead during times of high water flows. While the golf course is back in operation for now, we continue to support general public access to this property and moving forward on all restoration work. 

A huge concern was the overuse of pesticides on this property when it was being run as a private golf course. From Jan, 2016 through Oct, 2017, San Geronimo Golf Course filed 226 pesticide use reports with Marin County Dept of Ag. Most of the reports were for multiple applications for a total of 889 applications on 157 acres over a 22-month period. Specific reports included the use of the herbicides glyphosate and triclopyr as well as the rodenticide Fumitoxin. The current temporary contractors for the golf course is now under Marin’s IPM regulations and has successfully used that approach at the other courses they manage. This is healthier for the public, as well as wildlife. [MORE INFO]