Espresso Yourself (Open Mic at the Caraba Coffee)

On a Sunday afternoon, at Caraba Coffee; Sierra club was attending an open mic. During this event people go up and sing a song. I have been to the open mic twice now; the last time I went I sang two songs and I had fun. It is a small coffee shop with a nice vibe to it. They have pastries, smoothies, Paninis, ice cream and of course coffee. I always preferred the small “hidden” coffee shops than those big popular 

Ruby and Skye Perform at Open Mic, Photo by Sergio Flores

ones. Nina was also selling her gorgeous jewelry at the front of the coffee shop for everyone to see and purchase. There was also other artist selling their art work as well.

The amount of people that came and participated wasn’t as big as the first time I went but it was still fun. Not to mention chatting with all of the audience as well as listening to everyone’s singing style. Ruby & Skye were the first to go up; they were a duet for both singing and playing. I believe Ruby was playing a beautiful Double Bass Cello and Sky is playing a guitar. The Cello gave the Country songs they 

sang a very mellow yet sweet sound to it. The second participant was Chuck; he did a traditional Korean song. George, the man in charge of open mic, and Eddie were the third act to go up. George played his guitar and Eddie playing the bongos; while they both sang the song “La Bamba”. The event had lots of different kinds of music. It shows that we all love music no matter where we are from.

Espresso Yourself is an event for anyone with a creative soul to come meet other creative people. During the event, Sierra Club was donated half of the art sales. We were also able to tell lots of people about Sierra Club, and the cleanup events we have done. All in all, this event was very successful in spreading the word of Sierra Club. If you are interested in going to Carabra Coffee check it out when you have the chance.

Caraba Coffee, 9493 Telephone Rd. Ventura, CA 93004


Sam Marin 



Written by Sam Marin, English major at Oxnard College

Photos by Sergio Flores