Got Smart? Get Smart Enviros!

Happy to announce the first Sierra Club Ventura educational meeting! We are planning a great time to learn and chat with others in the club. This is one of a variety of topics starting Oct 2017 through 2018.  

Can invasive plants or pests be controlled without pesticides? Yes! The state biocontrol coordinator is here to explain how - where - who is already doing this in Ventura County and statewide.  

Sierra Club members and supporters welcome. Coffee and tea provided.

Date/Time: Sat Oct 7 ; 2-4pm
Place: Topping Room at EP Foster Library, Ventura
Free parking in city lots or at street meters.

SPECIAL NOTE: Art Walk Ventura happens on the same day so give yourself an hour to find parking!! Or make an afternoon of it and go see art exhibits before the talk.