In the News

Our ExCom Board members work hard to bring the Sierra Club vision to the Marin community, leaders, decisionmakers and the media.

Black Homes Matter movement making a difference

"Already the residents of Golden Gate Village have received broad support from Marin County residents. At a recent Zoom meeting of the Marin County Board of Supervisors, hundreds of residents from throughout the County called in and echoed dual demands of “resident ownership and self-determination” at Golden Gate Village. The Marin Sierra Club has also stepped up to endorse the Resident’s Plan, a green preservation-based alternative to the proposed redevelopment plans, an uncharacteristic intervention from an environmental organization. Meanwhile, the residents are suing the Marin Housing Authority for habitability issues in a 200 million lawsuit."[READ ARTICLE]

Huey Johnson, an environmental force of nature

We are saddened to report the passing of Huey Johnson, founder of The Resource Renewal Institute (RRI) and remarkable activist.

Huey Johnson was a powerhouse for environmental protection, serving as Western Regional Director of the Nature Conservancy, and later as its president; as the founder of the Trust for Public Land and as California’s Secretary of Resources. His work at RRI focused on innovative solutions to serious global problems, including "Fish in the Fields", which supports salmon stock, rice fields, water infiltration, and a host of additional environmental benefits in Delta lands. Johnson was a leader in the acquisition of land in the Marin Headlands in 1972 that was the genesis for the 82,000-acre Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Saving that land from a planned development for 30,000 homes is the subject of the 2012 award-winning documentary, “Rebels with a Cause.”  We will sorely miss this devoted friend of our planet. 


Marin Post article

Marin IJ article

S.F. Chronicle article

Cropped photo of original copyright Marin IJ

Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits You

A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate. [READ ARTICLE]

Written by Jim Robbins, published by Yale Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 1/9/2020

Barbara Bogard addresses Board of Supervisors on San Geronimo Golf Course

"Barbara Bogard, who serves on the executive committee of the Marin Group of the Sierra Club, read a letter stating the group’s position on the contract. Bogard said the Marin group would like to see the property made available for general public use to the exclusion of golf on as many days per month as possible to include weekdays and weekends. Bogard said the Marin group wanted a ban on the use of pesticides at the golf course. And she said the golf course should no longer be allowed to use 20-acre feet of water from Larsen Creek each year for irrigation." - Marin Independent Journal


Vote No on Measure D logo


Marin Supervisors urged to reject 5G wireless antennas out of health concerns

“ 'I’ve been at a lot of public meetings. I have never been in a 100-percent-for-one-side public meeting in my entire life,' said Judy Schriebman of San Rafael. 'This is unprecedented.' ” - Marin Independent Journal


Local Victory Over Oil Companies

Climate Lawsuits by California cities and counties, including Marin, has been transferred to State Court in a victory over oil companies. A panel of federal judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena handed major fossil fuel companies a setback in two climate-related cases brought by California cities and counties. The lawsuits argue that fossil fuel companies are responsible for the remediation costs and property damage from increasingly severe wildfires, rising sea levels and intense storms that batter coastal communities. Kudos to the Marin County Board of Supervisors for jumping on this suit early on!


Emerging Leader Award Winner

Congratulations to Marin’s Chance Cutrano, who was recently awarded the "Emerging Leader" award at the annual 2018 Sierra Club conference. Chance is Marin Group's Treasurer, Exec Com member, and co-chair of the Marin Climate Solutions committee, chair of the Marin Political Committee, and is our rep to the SF Bay Chapter Political Committee. This award was well-deserved!

Chance Cutrano