Earth Day in Redwood Chapter 2017

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Napa Group Excom member Bill Dyer and trout celebrate Earth Day

 Climate activists show up for the People’s March in Santa Rosa, April 29, 2017

  Marchers during the People’s March in Santa Rosa on April 29, 2017  protest the Trump administration’s refusal to act on climate change

Sierra Club members support science during the March for Science in Santa Rosa, April 22, 2017

 Sierra Club members gather before the March for Science in Santa Rosa, April 22, 2017

 Sierra Club members resisting the Trump administration’s anti-environment agenda

Demonstrators in Sonoma Valley gathered at the Plaza in solidarity with the People’s Climate March in D.C., on April 29, 2017.

The People’s March in Santa Rosa finished at the reunified Courthouse Square on April 29, 2017, shortly after it was opened to the public

Redwood Chapter Chair Victoria Brandon tables at an Earth Day event at Woodland Community College in Clearlake