Communications Coordinator Hired

The Chapter took a big step recently. In order to strengthen the dialogue with our members and raise the profile of the Club among the general public, early in November, after searching for several months and evaluating more than 75 candidates, we hired Shoshana Hebshi to serve as Communications Coordinator.

A graduate of CalPoly and the University of Iowa, Shoshana is a fine writer, skilled editor, and social media expert. She’s going to work with volunteer leaders to create a regular email newsletter to supplement the bimonthly Redwood Needles (expect the first issue in mid-December) get the Chapter and Sonoma Group up and running on Twitter and Instagram, strengthen our Facebook presence, and organize a series of presentations on environmental topics of public interest.

We are eagerly looking forward to the next stage of the journey!

Chapter excom member Rue Furch, Conservation Chair Tom Roth, Shoshana Hebshi and Sonoma Group Chair Suzanne Doyle meeting at the Environmental Center in Santa Rosa on November 2.