Press Releases

March 10, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Sen. Joe Manchin announced he would oppose the nomination of Laura Daniel-Davis as the U.S. Department of the Interior’s principal deputy assistant secretary for land and minerals management.

March 10, 2023

NASHVILLE, TENN. – This week, President Biden outlined the path forward for a $9.7 billion competitive grant program called “Empowering Rural America”–or the “New ERA” program–designed to bring good-paying jobs, investment, and clean energy to rural communities.

March 9, 2023

The House of Representatives held two markups on a package of bills that would exacerbate the climate crisis, perpetuate environmental injustices, and undermine US economic and national security by prolonging reliance on risky and volatile energy sources. The bills would also undermine bedrock environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, by short-circuiting permitting processes and limiting valuable public input.

March 13, 2023

WASHINGTON, DCConservation groups sued the Department of Energy (DOE) today for failing to timely respond to their

March 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the House Republicans voted to overturn the Biden Administration’s updated Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which outlines which waters - including small streams, rivers, wetlands, and more - should be protected from pollution and destruction under the Clean Water Act. Late last year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and US Army Corps of Engineers released the updated WOTUS rule, and today, Republicans passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to try to invalidate the rule and prevent future administrations from implementing similar water protections. The CRA will move to the Senate for a vote where it would need only a simple majority to pass. The vote

March 9, 2023

Local communities breathe cautious sigh of relief as controversial petrochemical facility shows signs of dormancy

9 de marzo de 2023

El Presidente Biden presentó hoy su presupuesto para el Año Fiscal 2024 (FY2024), una iniciativa de $6,9 billones (trillions) que prioriza la respuesta a la crisis climática, la promoción de la ciencia y la defensa de la justicia ambiental.

March 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – President Biden unveiled his FY2024 budget today, a $6.9 trillion policy vision that prioritizes climate response, promoting science, and environmental justice.

9 de marzo de 2023

El Departamento de Energía (DOE) emitió un Anuncio de Oportunidad de Inversiones de $6.000 millones en fondos federales para ayudar a desplegar tecnologías transformadoras para descarbonizar el sector industrial.

March 8, 2023

WASHINGTON (March 8, 2023) – Today, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) in the Department of Energy (DOE) officially issued its Funding Opportunity Announcement for roughly $6 billion in federal investments to help deploy transformational technologies to deeply decarboniz