Press Releases

June 20, 2017

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June 19, 2017

COLUMBIA, S.C. - The Columbia City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution establishing a community-wide goal of transitioning to 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2036.


June 19, 2017


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Donald Trump’s Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, suspended meetings of the Board of Scientific Counselors, a key scientific advisory committee, for the rest of this year. Pruitt has publicly commented that he’d like to staff the board with people he deems “industry experts”, instead of scientists with climate, environmental, and health expertise.


June 19, 2017

What: Bemidji area residents concerned about Enbridge Line 3 and its effects on water quality, climate, property rights and treaty rights will share their perspectives at a news conference prior to the public meeting on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Prior to the news conference, jingle dress dancers will be walking from a community gathering at Chief Bemidji at the Paul and Babe Waterfront Park and will perform a short dance before the news conference.


June 19, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, the Department of the Interior moved to rescind the Bureau of Land Management’s safeguards for hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on public lands.

The fracking rule, put in place by the Obama administration, was enacted after years-long process and would be the first safeguards for the fossil fuel extraction process on tribal and publicly-owned lands.

June 19, 2017

Harrisburg, PA -- Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the state government must act as trustees for public natural resources under the Environmental Rights Amendment.

June 18, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) gave notice that, in response to requests from the oil and gas industry, they will not enforce aspects of a safety rule for underground natural gas storage sites.

June 18, 2017


SARASOTA, Fla. – The Sarasota City Commission today adopted a goal of powering all of Sarasota with 100 percent clean, renewable energy by 2045. Sarasota joins St. Petersburg as the only two cities in the state of Florida to commit to transition to 100 percent clean and renewable energy.


In addition to the establishing a community-wide target for 100 percent renewable energy, the Sarasota City Commission also voted to adopt a goal of powering all municipal operations in the city with 100 percent renewable energy by 2030 and at least 50 percent by 2024.

June 18, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Illinois Rep.

June 18, 2017