ICYMI: Democrats Stand Up To Trump On Withdrawal From The Paris Agreement

Cindy Carr, (202) 495-3034 or cindy.carr@sierraclub.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Illinois Rep. Brad Schneider and 170 Democratic cosigners have released a climate resolution in opposition to Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement.


A new AP - NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll found 64 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of the climate crisis, including nearly 6 in 10 Americans who oppose Trump’s decision to withdraw, and in the days and weeks following the announcement, over 1,400 businesses, universities, and local governments have reconfirmed their support for the Paris Agreement


In response, Sierra Club Climate Policy Director Liz Perera released the following statement:


"We applaud Rep. Schneider and the resolution’s cosigners for actually listening to the American people. Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement was a misguided mistake of historic proportions, but if one thing has been made clear in the days and weeks following his diplomatic downfall, Donald Trump and his associates may be content to bury their heads in the sand, but the American people won’t stand idly by as the climate crisis deepens.


“We hope Donald Trump is paying attention, because this is what leadership looks like.”




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