Press Releases

January 2, 2017

Today, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he plans to appoint Robert Lighthizer as the next U.S. Trade Representative.

April 15, 2017

Santa Barbara, CA -- On Monday, April 17, the Sierra Club and other local organizations will protest Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s speech at the Reagan Center.

April 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC - POLITICO is reporting that President Donald Trump's most senior advisers will meet next week to discuss the Administration’s position on the Paris agreement. Some of the most extreme options being discussed include pulling out of the accord and weakening the United States’ national emissions reduction commitment.

April 13, 2017



ATLANTA, GA -- Today, the Sierra Club launched a new voter engagement program in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, in support of Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. Starting this week, the new peer-to-peer texting program will have Sierra Club volunteers reaching out to more than 14,000 voters in the district, in advance of the special election on Tuesday, April 18. Voters will receive a persuasion text this week and reminders to vote on Saturday and Monday.


April 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sierra Club today released an inspirational video promoting the Peoples Climate March on April 29 in Washington, D.C. and 85 sister cities across the globe.

April 12, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Environmental Protection Agency has made available on its website the plan for the first tranche of  Volkswagen’s National Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment  sp

April 12, 2017

The House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee advanced a bill to the House floor that parents and science teachers believe will compromise science education in the state.

April 12, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Late yesterday, Donald Trump’s EPA Administrator accepted polluter requests to attempt to halt crucial clean water protections that prevent coal plants from dumping large amounts of toxic industrial waste into America’s waterways, putting the health of communities who depend on those waterways at serious risk.

April 12, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier today, Axios reported that climate denier and former EPA transition lead Myron Ebell may be pushing to weaken the United States’ commitments to the Paris Agreement, reporting that, "he prefers the administration pull out [of the Paris Agreement] entirely, but his rhetoric is softening oh so slightly, and he's saying now that no matter what decision is made, it'll be portrayed as withdrawal.

April 11, 2017