Press Releases

October 23, 2023

After last week’s vote by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, the Tolk coal plant in the Texas Panhandle will close down four years earlier than its previous retirement date.

October 20, 2023

ALBANY, NY--  Today, Governor Hochul vetoed a well-vetted bill that is critical for Empire Wind’s cable landing to come onshore and connect to the electric grid. This comes just over a week after the  Governor and the Public Service Commission rejected an inflation adjustment petition that would’ve supported existing offshore wind projects while protecting ratepayers from volatile and unpredictable fracked gas prices.

October 20, 2023

Denver, CO - Today, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) formally approved the Colorado Clean Car rule, a major policy to slash tailpipe pollution and accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). As adopted, the program requires that 82% of new cars sold in the state are ZEVs in 2032, improving Coloradans’ access to clean vehicles while reducing climate-harming emissions. 

October 20, 2023

Monday, October 23: DOE Hosting Virtual Industrial Heat Shot Summit

October 20, 2023

Agency’s Final ESG Disclosure Rule Expected This Fall

October 19, 2023

Agencies likely to issue final rule following Federal Reserve, FDIC board meetings on October 24

October 19, 2023

Environmental and community groups are seeking to join EPA in a lawsuit defending the agency’s action to eliminate unlawful air pollution loopholes from state air operating permitting programs against a challenge from industrial polluters.

October 19, 2023

Today, just weeks after frontline community members traveled from New York City’s climate week to Washington D.C. to share their concerns about the unchecked approval of dangerous fossil fuel projects, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) greenlit two requests to build even more dangerous Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and fracked gas infrastructure. Despite objections about the economic, public health, and climate impacts, FERC rubber-stamped Venture Global’s request to increase construction of its Plaquemines LNG project to 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and an expansion to the high-profile Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) Xpress fracked gas pipeline.

October 18, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a final “endangerment finding” about the harmful health impacts of lead pollution from certain small airplanes, which will trigger legal requirements for the EPA and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to issue regulations to address this dangerous source of pollution.

October 16, 2023

he U.S. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced funding awards for seven hydrogen hubs across the country this morning with the Appalachian Hub being one that will be located in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania.