Press Releases

March 23, 2018

PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- On Saturday, March 17, the Town of Plainfield, New Hampshire voted to establish a goal of transitioning to 100% clean and renewable energy for electricity by 2030 and 100% renewable energy for heat and transportation by 2050. Plainfield is the 63rd municipality in the United States to commit to transition entirely to clean energy.

March 23, 2018

Pruitt's contempt for the taxpayer and their money knows no bounds. Yesterday, on Mark Reardon’s radio show Scott Pruitt said he was “dumbfounded by the kind of media narratives that these things are somehow not the focus,” he went on to try and justify his $120,000 first class trip to Italy on the basis of having a jam-packed schedule. Pruitt was so busy, he only had time for one pasta making class and a private tour of the Vatican. It’s not just “very important meetings” (and pasta making class) that Pruitt is recklessly spending our taxpayer dollars on. Earlier this year Pruitt brought his security detail with him to Disneyland and to watch the University of Oklahoma Sooners lose in the Rose Bowl. We’re a bit dumbfounded as to how he still has his job.

March 23, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has filed cloture to begin the process for a vote on a coal lobbyist and climate change denier, Andrew Wheeler, to be the #2 official at the Environmental Protection Agency. This vote comes at time when rumors and speculation swirl that Scott Pruitt could soon be fired from his job, which would likely render Wheeler the head of the agency if he is confirmed.

March 23, 2018

ATLANTA, GA -- Today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will join Vice President Mike Pence for an event called “Tax Cuts to Put America First” with America First Policies, a pro-Trump group that advocates for tax cuts for the wealthy.

March 22, 2018

Washington, DC -- Yesterday, Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Trey Gowdy sent a letter to Ryan Zinke, demanding answers on his $139,000 doors.

In response, Sierra Club Our Wild America Director Lena Moffitt released the following statement:

March 22, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a rush to avoid another government shutdown, members of Congress have proposed an omnibus deal that fortunately falls short of Trump’s outrageous requests to fully fund his wall, but still includes $1.6 billion for border walls along the U.S.- Mexico border. A significant portion of the funding is designated for 33 miles of new barriers that can be built as levee-walls or existing “bollard fence.

March 22, 2018

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Congressional leadership have introduced an omnibus spending bill for the remainder of FY2018.

March 22, 2018

Duke Energy has a released a report showing that the company plans to stop burning coal by 2050, and will instead relicense its nuclear plants and continue expanding its fracked gas infrastructure.

March 21, 2018

CASPER, WY -- The Wyoming Game and Fish Department tonight will host the first in a series of public meetings to gather comments on the state’s proposed grizzly bear trophy hunt. The proposal will allow the killing of twenty-four grizzly bears, including slow-reproducing females. The hunt would begin the first day of September, just as bears are trying to fatten up to survive the hibernation period. Females are especially vulnerable as they need extra calories to be able to give birth and sustain cubs during hibernation.

March 21, 2018

Greene County, PA--The Center for Coalfield Justice (CCJ) and the Sierra Club filed an appeal of a permit issued by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that would allow Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company (Consol) to mine underneath another stream within Ryerson Station State Park despite anticipated damage. This is the fourth time the groups have been forced to file an appeal of permits for Consol’s Bailey Mine East Expansion.