After Wasting Taxpayer Money, Pruitt Joins Pence to Call for Tax Cuts for the Wealthy


Lauren Lantry, 

ATLANTA, GA -- Today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will join Vice President Mike Pence for an event called “Tax Cuts to Put America First” with America First Policies, a pro-Trump group that advocates for tax cuts for the wealthy.

Pruitt is now dogged by multiple investigations into his prolific waste of taxpayer dollars on himself, including splurging $120,000 on a trip to Italy, $105,000 on undisclosed first-class flights, expenses related to personal trips to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl, and upwards of $43,000 on a phone booth. The leading Republican on the House Oversight committee, Trey Gowdy, has also demanded answers about Pruitt’s luxury travel.

In response, Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Director Ted Terry released the following statement:

"It's odd that Scott Pruitt is jetting around the country pushing to cut taxes for the wealthy when he is responsible for wasting thousands of taxpayer dollars on his own first class travel."


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