Press Releases

August 9, 2018

The Sierra Club has launched an aggressive digital ad campaign in The Portland Press Herald calling out Congressman Bruce Poliquin, who represents Maine’s second congressional district. Poliquin recently voted repeatedly against climate action and clean air.

August 9, 2018

Media outlets reported today that the Trump Administration is planning to nominate Department of Energy official Bernard McNamee to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in order to fill the seat of resigning commissioner Robert Powelson. McNamee helped roll out Energy Secretary Rick Perry's failed coal and nuclear bailout proposal last year, which would have cost electricity customers billions of dollars, and has been a lifelong proponent of dirty fossil fuels.

August 9, 2018

The Sierra Club has launched an aggressive digital ad campaign in leading news outlets across five congressional districts. The ads call out a series of Congressional Republicans who recently voted repeatedly against climate action and clean air. The ad campaign targets flagship publications in each of the four states and five Congressional districts represented by these members, including the Los Angeles Times, The Modesto Bee, The Portland Press Herald, The Reno Gazette Journal, and

August 9, 2018

Greensboro, PA-- A public hearing was held today at the request of The Center for Coalfield Justice (CCJ) and the Sierra Club to allow residents to express their concerns about a drafted water pollution permit for the Contura Cumberland Mine submitted to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). In the updated version of the permit, DEP would allow pollutants such as selenium, sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS) which includes heavy metals, to be dumped into the Monongahela River at harmful levels.

August 8, 2018

Little Rock, AR. - The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has finalized new regulations that would roll back emission standards for power plants in Arkansas. The state plan replaces strong federal standards that were issued years ago by the U.S. EPA to protect the air we breathe with a weak state plan.

August 8, 2018

The Trump administration today ordered the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to prioritize water use in California for fire fighting. The move follows a tweet from Donald Trump blaming a lack of water for ongoing fires, despite repeated declarations from fire experts in the region that they have all the water needed to fight the blaze.

August 8, 2018

The Oregon Public Utilities Commission-- the same commission that required PacifiCorp to do an economic analysis of it coal fleet—just decided to keep the results of that analysis secret. Sierra Club had challenged the company’s request to hide the study from the public.

August 8, 2018

Governor Rauner is scheduled to headline at a rally today alongside coal company executives that have been instrumental in creating Trump Administration policies aimed at reversing many American initiatives to promote clean energy, reduce air and water pollution from coal, and fight climate change. Rauner is to be introduced at the Marion event by billionaire coal baron Joseph W. Craft III, a close confidant of departed USEPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, and staunch proponent of Pruitt's and Trump's efforts to benefit his and other coal corporations.

August 8, 2018

LARGO, Fla. - On Tuesday, the Largo City Commission approved the city’s commitment to transition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy. Largo now represents the fourth Florida city and 75th in the United States to establish a goal to transition entirely to clean, renewable energy.

August 8, 2018

Colorado Springs, CO-- Community members and several representatives from the from across the region testified at and rallied outside the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Listening and Working Sessions,” meant to address the state’s severe (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances - PFAS) drinking water crisis.