STATEMENT: Colorodans Want More Promising Action on PFAS


Courtney Bourgoin, (202) 495-3022

Colorado Springs, CO-- Community members and several representatives from the from across the region testified at and rallied outside the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Listening and Working Sessions,” meant to address the state’s severe (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances - PFAS) drinking water crisis.  Organizations from the Fountain Valley Clean Water Coalition-- many who lead water testing in their communities-- urged federal and state officials to place more urgency in setting strict PFAS safety limits, conducting contamination cleanup and ending current use of PFAS-containing products.

In response to the event, groups released the following statements:

“It’s time end PFAS use and clean up drinking water contamination. The military and the companies who make PFAS must pay for effective and lasting water treatment. EPA and the state have failed to protect our communities, and caused a grave environmental injustice," said Fran Silva-Blayney Sierra Club representative and chair of the Fountain Creek Water Sentinels.

"PFAS contamination has caused devastating illnesses in our communities. We should not be responsible for the costs of fixing this contamination, nor paying for blood testing and medical treatment. Because of lack of transparency we don't trust that our water is safe to drink. We need to start preventing contamination instead of reacting to it,” said Liz Rosenbaum of the Fountain Valley Clean Water Coalition.

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