Press Releases

September 26, 2019

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Senate Committee on Appropriations advanced the FY2020 Interior spending bill, allocating $35.8 billion to fund the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Indian Health Service, and other agencies. The bill includes an additional $2.25 billion for wildfire suppression activities, made available by the wildfire cap adjustment. It does not include funding to relocate Bureau of Land Management headquarters.

September 26, 2019

Washington, DC— Today, the Senate Committee on Appropriations passed the Homeland Security Appropriations Act—a budget that include $5 billion more for border walls, funding for 6,800 more immigration detention beds and 119 new border patrol agents. See the full budget proposal here

September 26, 2019

Washington, DC -- As former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler leads the Trump administration’s attacks against the health of the public and against clean air and water on behalf of his former clients in the fossil fuel industry, he is using new lines of defense for his rollback of clean air and water safeguards and again demonstrates his total denial of climate science. 

September 25, 2019

MINNESOTA – Today, Governor Tim Walz announced that Minnesota will join the growing list of states adopting the clean car standards, which require new cars sold in the state to emit fewer greenhouse gases. They also mandate an increasing percentage of new cars sold in the state to be zero emission-vehicles.

25 de septiembre de 2019

El Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (PICC) de la ONU emitió un Reporte Especial sobre los Océanos y la Criósfera que revela la subida del nivel del mar y el derretimiento de las capas heladas debido a la crisis climática será aún mas grave de lo predicho originalmente.

September 25, 2019

Washington, DC -- Today, the Senate voted to shut down Trump’s national emergency that he declared in February as a mechanism for taking funds from the military budget for border walls. The funding transfers have already cut more than 125 military projects that benefit service families and military readiness like retirement and schools for military youth. In addition to the passage of the Senate resolution, the Sierra Club, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC)’s challenge of Trump’s national emergency declaration will be heard by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on November 18th. A ruling in favor of the groups would reverse Trump’s national emergency declaration and halt the fund transfers.

September 25, 2019

MONACO -- Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a new Special Report on the Oceans and Cryosphere (SROCC). The report, which comes just after a devastating report last fall from the IPCC on the urgency to act on the climate crisis, found sea level rise and melting ice caused by the climate crisis will be even more dire than originally predicted.

September 24, 2019

NEW YORK – Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that New Mexico will join 14 other states in adopting clean car standards requiring new cars sold in the state to emit fewer greenhouse gases. They also mandate an increasing percentage of cars sold in the state to be zero emissions. The governor made the announcement at Climate Week in New York City, joining other U.S.

September 24, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C: Daniel Jorjani was confirmed today as solicitor for the Department of the Interior. His confirmation comes as Jorjani is under investigation for his role in the Interior Department’s unethical public records process.

24 de septiembre de 2019

Tras las revelaciones de la creciente corrupción de Donald Trump, la Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, anunció el inicio de un proceso de juzgamiento formal del presidente de Estados Unidos.