Press Releases

October 15, 2019

hundreds of clean water activists joined hands across the Potomac River to protest plans by Columbia Gas to revive a fracked gas pipeline project that has already been rejected by the state of Maryland

October 14, 2019

Seattle, WA-- Tomorrow, advocates from conservation and local organizations will publicly call on the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NWPCC) to include critical protections for orca and salmon at their public hearing seeking public comment on their latest five-year Fish and Wildlife Plan. Advocates from conservation organizations will testify -- stressing the need for a plan to ensure recovery of the region’s rapidly declining whale and fish populations. See full event details here. 

October 12, 2019

INDIANAPOLIS, IND.— About 160 community members and activists today attended the “Race to Renewable Energy Rally,” at the American Legion Mall, an event to highlight how Indianapolis compares to other major cities in transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy and accomplishing its climate goals.

October 11, 2019

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has put a hold on two permits that the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) requires to proceed with construction activities

October 11, 2019

Virginia announced Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC will pay a $2.15 million penalty and must adhere to additional monitoring and environmental protections

October 11, 2019


October 11, 2019

In a submission sent to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Indigenous rights groups raised concerns about human rights violations against the Gwich’in Nation as a result of the Trump administration’s push to sell off the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling.

October 10, 2019

Austin, TX --  This morning, Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter hosted a telepresser to discuss to the recently launched Texas Clean Energy Scorecard, which grades Texas utilities based on their commitment and investments to renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. This new interactive tool is the first of its kind in Texas and allows electricity consumers to learn about electricity production in Texas, how their utilities are performing, and how they can do better.

October 10, 2019

LAS VEGAS, NV -- The Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club today announced its endorsement of Dina Titus for Nevada’s U.S. Congressional District 1 in the 2020 election.

“I am proud to be endorsed for re-election by the Sierra Club,” said Congresswoman Dina Titus. “I have worked with Sierra Club for years to fight against high level nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain and to protect our unique desert habitat. I will continue to stand up to attempts by this administration to further degrade our planet.”

October 10, 2019

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA -- Today, environmental groups presented their oral argument asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to overturn the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC’s) approval of the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC), a gas power plant proposal in Superior, Wisconsin. Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists appealed the PUC’s 3-2 decision approving the gas power plant proposed by Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power.