Press Releases

April 6, 2020

Montana Governor Steve Bullock is reportedly allowing Canadian pipeline company TC Energy to move forward with construction of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline in Montana despite concerns about the spread of coronavirus among workers and in vulnerable rural and Tribal communities.

April 3, 2020

TOPEKA, KS -- Earlier today, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that utilities cannot charge customers who generate their own power more than customers who do not. The Court ruled in favor of Earthjustice, the Sierra Club, and Vote Solar, who challenged a 2018 Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) decision approving extra fees (sometimes called “demand charges”) on residential solar customers.

April 2, 2020

Blanco County, TX -- It was reported yesterday that Kinder Morgan has spilled drilling fluid into local drinking water wells during construction of its Permian Highway fracked gas pipeline. 

April 2, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Donald Trump is expected to meet with oil executives tomorrow at the White House to discuss additional aid for the industry in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting comes as Congressional Republicans are throwing cold water on further stimulus that could fill urgent relief gaps and lay the groundwork for clean energy and infrastructure projects to put people back to work as the country emerges from the coronavirus crisis.

March 31, 2020

PINEDALE, Wyo.— The Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club filed a lawsuit today challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to allow 72 grizzly bears to be killed to accommodate livestock grazing in Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest, near Yellowstone National Park. 

31 de marzo de 2020

Mientras los estadounidenses confrontan la creciente pandemia de la COVID-19, la administración ha socavado hoy la salud y seguridad de todos finalizando su debilitamiento de los estándares de vehículos limpios, conocidos por siglas en inglés (CAFE standards).

March 31, 2020

Reckless Rollback of Clean Car Standards Hurts Consumers and Climate

– Today, as Americans face the growing COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump Administration has undermined our health and safety further by finalizing its rollback of the clean car standards, formally known as the corporate average fuel economy and greenhouse gas standards for light duty vehicles (or CAFE). The standards are the nation’s most influential and ambitious rules to tackle climate change, clean up air pollution and save consumers money at the pump. 

March 31, 2020

Today, TC Energy -- formerly TransCanada -- the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline, announced plans to begin construction on the controversial tar sands pipeline. The announcement came in the wake of a major investment by the Alberta government to prop up the failing tar sands industry. 

November 20, 2019

Brookline, MA--Today, in an effort led by community members, the Brookline town board approved legislation that would prohibit the installation of new fossil fuel construction. Through a bylaw, the city will see a 15% decrease of carbon emissions in buildings over the next 30 years. The town is the first city on the East Coast to pass a ban and is the only one that prohibits fossil fuels even in renovation projects. Over 15 cities in California have passed a similar ban.

March 27, 2020

Michigan --  Today, members of Michigan’s Advisory Council for Environmental Justice (MAC EJ) called on Governor Whitmer to take more aggressive action to ensure that all Michiganders have water during the COVID19 pandemic. The creation of the MACEJ, the first environmental justice advisory council in state history, came out of recommendations made to former Governor Snyder in the aftermath of the Flint water crisis.