Press Releases

August 19, 2020

This important settlement agreement will ensure ratepayer protection and move the Midwest one step closer to cleaner air.

August 19, 2020

DENVER— Climate groups sued the Trump administration today over its plan to expand drilling, fracking and mining across 1.7 million acres of public lands in southwestern Colorado, one of the fastest-warming regions in the nation. 

August 19, 2020

Tuesday night, concerned advocates hosted a Facebook Live event to call out Commercial Liability Partners (CLP) for their lack of transparency and unwillingness to engage in meaningful public dialogue about plans to demolish and redevelop the site of the Wood River coal plant in East Alton, IL.

August 19, 2020

The Sierra Club applauds the Minnesota Department of Commerce and Governor Tim Walz for their decision to continue their appeal of the Certificate of Need for Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline.

August 18, 2020

Opponents of Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 pipeline filed a lawsuit with the Court of Appeals today challenging the Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC) approval of permits for the project.

August 18, 2020

MONTGOMERY, AL - Late Friday, the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) greenlighted Alabama Power’s billion-dollar fossil fuel expansion and booted its solar investments to a different docket. This presents a massive economic risk for Alabama Power’s customers as the PSC approved the utility’s plans to pass all the costs of building and maintaining the new gas plants onto its customers.

17 de agosto de 2020

Durante el fin de semana, la administración Trump retiró la nominación de William Perry Pendley para servir como director de la Oficina de Gestión de Terrenos (BLM).

17 de agosto de 2020

Se espera hoy que el Departamento del Interior dé un paso más para celebrar una subasta de arrendamientos en la delicada planicie costera del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre del Artico.

August 16, 2020

Today, the Department of the Interior is expected to take the next step toward holding a lease sale in the delicate coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Bureau of Land Management’s “record of decision” will reportedly make the entire coastal plain available for leasing.

August 15, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Early this morning, the Trump Administration quietly withdrew the nomination of William Perry Pendley to serve as director of the Bureau of Land Management. Pendley had served more than a year as the BLM acting director, a role that was supposed to be temporary.