Press Releases

April 23, 2021

“I believe that California needs to move beyond oil” -Governor Newsom

SACRAMENTO, CA -- Today, Governor Newsom issued a directive to ban new fracking permits by 2024. The statement also requests that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) assess how California can phase out all oil and gas drilling by 2045. If California were to do this, it would be the first oil-producing state to fully phase out oil and gas extraction. 

April 23, 2021

National-- On Friday at 1PST/4EST  the Sierra Club will host an Instagram Live discussion and performance with Hop Hopkins (Director of Organizational Transformation, Sierra Club) and  Joshua Henry (Tony-nominated actor and singer) . Their conversation will focus on the intersection of environmental and racial justice, plus two live performances by Henry. 

April 23, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The White House released a report today outlining how to ensure coal workers and communities home to coal plants and mines aren’t left behind in the transition to clean, renewable energy.

April 23, 2021

Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff today announced the addition of 16 new sites to the National Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program. The announcement marks the end of National Parks Week this year.

April 22, 2021

AEP/Indiana-Michigan Power has announced a full retirement of the Rockport Super Polluter coal plant by 2028.

April 22, 2021

Led by Sen. Mazie Hirano, Congress today passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to speed review of hate crimes and expand reporting efforts. Passage comes amidst an increase in hate crimes across the country, particularly anti-Asian violence. The bill was strengthened by the inclusion of the Blumenthal-Moran legislation, the NO HATE Act, as an amendment. The amendment improves efforts by law enforcement to address hate crimes, improves hate crime reporting data, and increases assistance for survivors of hate crimes.

April 22, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- On Earth Day 2021, government leaders are gathering for a virtual summit to discuss global strategies to combat the climate crisis. These are important discussions that must happen in order for us to meet our climate commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, but far too often, grassroots leaders--the true climate leaders-- are left out of these conversations. The Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth US will be hosting a Global Grassroots Leaders Climate Summit, for a series of virtual conversations that bring together activists from around the world. By bringing the discussion of negative impacts and failed promises of U.S.-supported fossil fuel projects overseas and benefits of projects like distributed renewables and just transitions to US leaders, together we can effectively push for change on the global level.

22 de abril de 2021

La Cámara de Representantes aprobó hoy por segunda vez el proyecto de ley HR 51 por el cual se otorgaría la estadidad al Distrito de Columbia (DC).

April 22, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Today, the House of Representatives passed HR 51 -- Washington, DC Congressmember Eleanor Holmes Norton’s bill to establish DC statehood -- for the second time. Earlier this week, the White House formally endorsed HR 51 and issued a statement of “full support” for DC as the 51st state.

April 22, 2021

ST PAUL, MINNESOTA – The Minnesota Supreme Court Wednesday issued a decision that allows a proposed fracked gas power plant to receive Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approval without environmental review in Minnesota. The decision returns the case to the Court of Appeals to determine whether approving the plant is in the public interest.