Press Releases

June 24, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a brief defending the Trump administration’s position on Line 3 in a federal lawsuit challenging a key permit for the controversial tar sands pipeline project. 

23 de junio de 2021

El Sierra Club anunció hoy que ha contratado a Selena Jegede, procedente de la organización electoral Fair Fight Action, para fungir como su directora de recaudación de fondos, la primera mujer negra que llega a esta posición en la historia de la organización.

June 23, 2021

OAKLAND, CA -- The Sierra Club announced today that it has hired Salena Jegede of Fair Fight Action to serve as Sierra Club's Chief Advancement Officer. In this role, she will oversee fundraising and donor relations for the nation’s largest grassroots environmental organization with nearly four million members and supporters. Jegede becomes the first Black, female Chief Advancement Officer in Sierra Club history.

June 23, 2021

CHARLESTON -- Today, the Sierra Club, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, and West Virginia Highlands Conservancy sent a notice of intent to sue (NOI) to the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement (OSMRE). The notice alleges that OSMRE has failed to take action under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) to clarify the options available to community members who believe their drinking water has been harmed by coal mining. 

22 de junio de 2021

Los senadores republicanos explotaron hoy el filibusterismo parlamentario para retrasar la aprobación de la Ley para el Pueblo (For the People Act), la cual goza del apoyo del 83% de los estadounidenses y ya ha sido aprobada por la Cámara Baja.

June 22, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, Senate Republicans exploited the filibuster to delay the For The People Act. The For The People Act, which is supported by 83% of Americans nationwide and already passed the House, includes a comprehensive, common sense democracy reforms, including automatic voter registration, stronger rules around ethics and campaign finance, restored voting rights for 1.7 million formerly incarcerated people, a ban on partisan gerrymandering, and more. To date, 48 states have introduced nearly 390 bills restricting access to the polls, and the For The People Act would halt many of these voter suppression bills.

June 21, 2021

DOVER -- On Thursday, June 17th, utility company NRG announced its commitment to retire the final and largest coal boiler at the Indian River power plant by 2022. The 410 megawatt unit in Dagsboro, Delaware will retire just as the state recently enacted major legislation to increase its renewable energy commitment from 25 percent to 40 percent by 2035. The retirement of the final coal-fired unit at the Indian River Plant will move Delaware, President Joe Biden’s home state, completely beyond coal-fired generation within the state.

June 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Sierra Club and YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) are launching a national partnership focused on improving the health and wellbeing of veterans, members of the military, and their families through outdoor experiences and establishing connections with nature and fellow veterans. Studies show that veterans who participate in outdoor adventure and experiential education programs report a significant reduction in depression and anxiety, as well as an increased willingness to seek mental health care. 

June 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Leading national environmental organizations are united to defend democracy and we urge passage of the historic For the People Act, which would protect peoples’ freedom to vote and make our democracy fairer and more inclusive.

June 18, 2021

The Culver City Council voted 4-1 last night in support of an ordinance that will phase out oil production and require the cleanup of well sites in the portion of the Inglewood Oil Field within Culver City’s borders within five years.