Press Releases

July 1, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the House of Representatives passed the INVEST Act, a five-year surface transportation and water infrastructure bill totaling $715 billion with an additional $44 billion added to the amounts below during the amendment process. Critical items in this bill include:

  • $343 billion for repair America’s roads, bridges, and safety including:

    • $4 billion for electric vehicle charging infrastructure

1 de julio de 2021

La Corte Suprema volvió a debilitar la Ley de Derechos del Votante en su decisión de hoy. El caso, Brnovich vs the Democratic National Committee, impone un estándar indebido para probar violaciones de la Sección 2 de la Ley de Derechos del Votante que amenaza con socavar el principal propósito de la ley: eliminar prácticas electorales discriminatorias de todo tipo.

July 1, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to further weaken the Voting Rights Act. The case, Brnovich v. the Democratic National Committee, imposes a cramped standard for proving a violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act that threatens to undermine the Act's core purpose: to eliminate discriminatory voting practices of all kinds. That decision arrives as 48 states have introduced nearly 390 bills restricting access to the polls this year alone.

June 30, 2021

MAPLE GROVE, MN -- Earlier today, Great River Energy (GRE) announced that the utility would be selling its Coal Creek Station power plant to Rainbow Energy Center instead of retiring it as planned.

June 30, 2021

Trenton -- Today New Jersey Board of Public Utilities awarded offshore wind solicitations to two projects that combined will develop offshore wind capacity of 2,658 MW - the largest offshore wind procurement in the history of the country. The first project will be completed by Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Project 1 LLC, which is a joint venture between EDF RE Offshore Development LLC and Shell New Energies US LLC. The second project will be completed by Ocean Wind 2 LLC, a direct subsidiary of Ørsted Offshore North America Inc.

29 de junio de 2021

La Corte Suprema dictó hoy que las compañías privadas pueden adueñarse de terrenos estatales para nuevas infraestructuras de gas fósil, así favoreciendo la construcción del controvertido gasoducto PennEast.

June 29, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today the Supreme Court ruled that private companies can take state land for new fracked gas pipelines, which likely speeds the construction of a controversial project that threatens the Potomac River.

June 29, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Supreme Court ruled that private companies can take state land for new fracked gas pipelines, likely speeding the construction of the controversial PennEast pipeline project.

June 29, 2021

Washington, DC – The Sierra Club, together with NRDC Action Fund, Oxfam America, Greenpeace USA, Friends of the Earth Action, Food and Water Watch, Oil Change International, DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council, and a wide range of health, environmental, and other groups across the nation, are calling on Congress to pass significant cuts to fossil fuel subsidies embedded in the tax code. 

June 28, 2021

Oakland, CA— As part of its 125-year journey, Sierra —the national magazine of Sierra Club, the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States—has unveiled a dynamic redesign.