Press Releases

August 17, 2021

EL PASO, TX --  Today, the Chaparral Coalition for Community Health and the Environment, the Sierra Club, and Earthworks (the Community Groups) reached an agreement with El Paso Electric (EPE) that will substantially reduce air pollution in El Paso and southern New Mexico. The agreement will temporarily block new fossil fuel power plant construction while pushing EPE toward a clean energy future.

16 de agosto de 2021

El Departamento del Tesoro emitió ayer nuevas directrices para los bancos multilaterales de desarrollo (BMD) sobre inversiones en energía limpia y eficacia energética en las que se opone decididamente a los proyectos petroleros y de gas, y favorece proyectos de gas solo en circunstancias extremas que cumplan con criterios específicos.

August 16, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the US Treasury Department issued new guidance for Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to invest in clean energy and energy efficiency, to strongly oppose oil and coal projects, and to only support gas projects in extenuating circumstances and only if specific criteria are met. Today’s guidance is the next step from President Biden’s January Executive Order to center the climate crisis in U.S. foreign policy and national security for the first time. The MDBs affected by this guidance include the World Bank, the US Export-Import Bank, the European Investment Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, and more.

13 de agosto de 2021

Nueve miembros demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes han amenazado con detener el progreso del proyecto de ley climático más importante en la historia de Estados Unidos, y el único vehículo potencial para actuar audazmente sobre el clima, el cuidado de la salud, los empleos y la justicia.

August 13, 2021

Yesterday, the Port of Corpus Christi announced a plan to convert an existing facility into a hydrogen production plant. The Port claims the project will be carbon neutral, but in fact it will create blue hydrogen, which is made from polluting fossil fuels, and not green hydrogen, which is made from water and can be carbon neutral.

August 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nine House Democrats have threatened to halt progress on the most important climate legislation in U.S. history, and the only potential vehicle for major action on climate, care, jobs, and justice in near term view. This comes during the very same week when the IPCC warned that the extreme weather events we’re already experiencing -- including historic droughts and floods, superstorms, record-breaking wildfires, and unprecedented coastal flooding -- will continue to rapidly worsen unless the world cuts all carbon pollution in half by 2031.

August 12, 2021

Today, the Sierra Club Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Michael Brune from his position as Executive Director of the Sierra Club after 11 years at the helm of the nation’s largest grassroots environmental organization. Brune’s resignation will be effective at the end of the year, but he will be focusing on supporting the incoming Acting Executive Director to ensure a smooth transition.

August 12, 2021

Affected community members testified last night at a public hearing on TPC Group’s proposed expansion of its polluting butadiene plant in the Houston Ship Channel.

12 de agosto de 2021

El Sierra Club emitió hoy su informe sobre la campaña de cabildeo de Toyota en Estados Unidos para debilitar los estándares de limpieza y eficacia de vehículos y obstaculizar la electrificación de vehículos en todo el mundo.

August 12, 2021

Sabine Pass, LA -- Federal regulators have hit LNG operator Cheniere Energy with a $2.2 million fine over a dangerous gas leak from its Sabine Pass LNG facility in early 2018. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration determined that the leak was caused by “incorrect operations” and that the company knew the tank design was inadequate and allowed it to operate anyway.