Press Releases

3 de mayo de 2022

Politico publicó anoche un borrador de opinión de la Corte Suprema que, si es adoptado por la mayoría, acabaría con el precedente del caso Roe vs Wade, el cual defiende el derecho al aborto.

May 3, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Late last night, Politico published a draft opinion from the Supreme Court that would, if adopted by a majority of the Justices, overturn a long-held precedent in Roe v. Wade. The final decision is expected to be released before the end of the Court’s term this summer.

May 3, 2022

Today, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee began its mark-up of a major outdoor recreation legislative package, which includes the Outdoors for All Act. If passed, the Outdoors for All Act would permanently authorize the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program, which is the only program administered by the Department of the Interior to promote the development of equity-focused parks and green space projects in urban communities. The committee is expected to send the bill to the full House in the coming days.

May 2, 2022

Despite the escalating climate crisis caused by the global over-reliance on fossil fuels, the state-backed French company Engie made a 15-year deal with NextDecade to import 1.75 million metric tons per year of fracked gas from Rio Grande LNG, an export terminal proposed for South Texas. While Engie scrapped its original deal with Rio Grande LNG in 2020 because of the French government’s environmental concerns over hydraulic fracking in Texas, Engie has apparently reversed course despite the persistence of those same environmental concerns.

May 2, 2022

New York – On Monday, Sierra Club launched a statewide digital ad campaign and video highlighting the importance of the Climate Action Council Scoping Plan to meeting the critical climate and clean energy goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

April 29, 2022

HARTFORD, CT -  Today, days after its Senate passage, the Connecticut House passed legislation that would advance regulations for clean air and clean trucks, which will help to slash climate-disrupting emissions from one of Connecticut's most polluting sectors–transportation– and clean up air pollution in communities across the state.  

April 29, 2022

Washington, DC – Late yesterday, President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) followed the Trump administration in releasing a draft policy assessment proposing to retain the nationwide ozone standards without revision.

April 28, 2022

20 organizations, led by Sierra Club and Great Lakes Environmental Law Center, submitted comments urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider their proposal to redesignate the Detroit area from ozone nonattainment because it would prematurely halt state planning and actions to improve air quality. The EPA recently announced a proposal to approve Michigan’s maintenance plan and redesignate the seven-county Southeast Michigan area to attainment regarding the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone. This would end the need for Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to plan for reductions of ozone precursors such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), actions that are crucial because of the severe asthma burden already experienced by environmental justice communities in and around Detroit.

28 de abril de 2022

Earthjustice, CleanAirNow KC, el Sierra Club y el Centro para la Diversidad Biológica presentaron hoy un juicio en el Distrito Norte de California contra la decisión de Servicio Postal de Estados Unidos (USPS) de reemplazar la gran mayoría de su parque móvil con sucios camiones de combustión interna.

April 28, 2022

Yesterday, a group of environmental and community advocacy groups, including the City of Port Isabel, Esto’k Gna Tribal Nation of Texas, Healthy Gulf, Public Citizen, Sierra Club, and Vecinos para el Bienestar de la Comunidad Costera, filed a motion to intervene to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), in an extension request from Rio Grande LNG, a fracked gas terminal proposed for the Gulf Coast.