Press Releases

June 23, 2022

Today, the US Forest Service issued a draft of an environmental assessment, recommending a 20-year mineral withdrawal from Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This process will also initiate a 30-day comment period, after which a final environmental assessment will be delivered to the Bureau of Land Management, and then to the desk of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland for a decision.

June 23, 2022

St. Louis, MO – Late yesterday, Ameren Missouri submitted a mandated long-range energy plan with state regulators that calls for the massive expansion of burning fracked natural gas.

June 23, 2022

This morning Alliant Energy and We Energies announced near-term delays in the retirement of multiple coal units in Wisconsin, while reiterating continued intentions to follow through with its climate commitments. Alliant has made clear that both near term and long term clean energy commitments remain unchanged.

June 23, 2022

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday signed a memorandum to clarify the U.S. Forest Service’s direction on climate policy. The memo, "Climate Resilience and Carbon Stewardship of America's National Forests and Grasslands," follows a recent White House executive order highlighting the importance of conserving mature and old-growth forests on federal lands as a climate solution. The memo, which lays out “actions to restore forests, improve resilience, and address the climate crisis”, falls short in meeting the ambition outlined in President Joe Biden’s order on old forests and trees. Secretary Vilsack acknowledges the role that older trees play in absorbing and storing carbon and supporting biodiversity. But he fails to outline a plan for his agency to protect mature and old-growth forests and trees from commercial logging.

June 22, 2022

Today, 136 organizations sent a letter to President Biden in response to the June 8 explosion at the Freeport LNG export facility, expressing continued concern with expanded gas exports and calling for immediate action to protect nearby communities.

June 22, 2022

Today’s findings from the International Energy Agency’s latest energy investment report demonstrate how increasingly out of touch the financial industry is with the reality of what’s needed to achieve its own climate commitments.

June 22, 2022

Denver, Colorado — Today, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) concluded its deliberations for Xcel Energy's electric resource plan, bringing Phase 1 of the planning process close to an end, with a written decision likely coming next month. Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) signed on to the updated settlement that the PUC voted to approve with slight modifications.

June 22, 2022

The National Park Service partially re-opened Yellowstone National Park today June 22 after catastrophic floods washed out roads and bridges last week, cutting off access to the park and forcing evacuations from the park and gateway communities in the area. A combination of snow melt and higher than normal rainfall caused the flood conditions, which were the largest in Yellowstone’s history. Such extreme weather conditions are being exacerbated by the effects of climate change.

22 de junio de 2022

Esta mañana, el Presidente Biden instó al Congreso a apoyar la suspensión del impuesto federal a los combustibles como intento de reducir el castigo que sufre el público en las gasolineras.

22 de junio de 2022

La administración Biden anunció el primer acuerdo de su tipo por el cual el gobierno federal y naciones tribales gestionarán conjuntamente el Monumento Nacional de Bears Ears.