
April 24, 2018

73 scientists say #NoGrizHunt.

April 17, 2018

Tonight is the last public hearing before Wyoming Commission votes on extreme trophy hunt.

April 17, 2018

Tonight is the last public hearing before Wyoming Commission votes on extreme trophy hunt.

April 12, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Republicans today released the FY2019 farm bill. The bill weakens the SNAP anti-hunger program and includes provisions undermining bedrock environmental safeguards for clean water, wildlife and forests.

April 10, 2018

WHAT: A Sierra Club webinar featuring a panel of bilingual border issues experts to discuss strategies to build a unified environmental front to protect communities and wildlife on the border.

WHENThursday, April 12, at 1 pm ET (12 CT)

April 9, 2018

Conservation groups appeal border waiver decision.

April 6, 2018

Washington, DC-- Ryan Zinke has continued to work tirelessly to show his true self as he reveals his future political ambitions. Last Friday, it was revealed that Zinke has said diversity is not important nor a priority for his department-- clarified by his actions that disproportionately affect Native Americans and women working at the department.


March 22, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a rush to avoid another government shutdown, members of Congress have proposed an omnibus deal that fortunately falls short of Trump’s outrageous requests to fully fund his wall, but still includes $1.6 billion for border walls along the U.S.- Mexico border. A significant portion of the funding is designated for 33 miles of new barriers that can be built as levee-walls or existing “bollard fence.

March 21, 2018

CASPER, WY -- The Wyoming Game and Fish Department tonight will host the first in a series of public meetings to gather comments on the state’s proposed grizzly bear trophy hunt. The proposal will allow the killing of twenty-four grizzly bears, including slow-reproducing females. The hunt would begin the first day of September, just as bears are trying to fatten up to survive the hibernation period. Females are especially vulnerable as they need extra calories to be able to give birth and sustain cubs during hibernation.

March 13, 2018

Trump spews lies about border communities in San Diego.

March 12, 2018

Today Ryan Zinke’s Department of the Interior is wrapping up oil and gas leasing on public lands near the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. Though the administration walked back the initial leasing proposal, which also included areas near Yellowstone National Park, today’s leases remain a threat to protected public lands and big game herds in an area prized for its elk.

March 11, 2018

Trump and anti-immigrant, anti-environment not welcome in California.