
April 22, 2020

FERC approved a request from Sabal Trail Transmission to start operating a polluting facility in Albany, Ga., a hotspot for Coronavirus cases

April 6, 2020

Montana Governor Steve Bullock is reportedly allowing Canadian pipeline company TC Energy to move forward with construction of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline in Montana despite concerns about the spread of coronavirus among workers and in vulnerable rural and Tribal communities.

April 2, 2020

Blanco County, TX -- It was reported yesterday that Kinder Morgan has spilled drilling fluid into local drinking water wells during construction of its Permian Highway fracked gas pipeline. 

March 31, 2020

Today, TC Energy -- formerly TransCanada -- the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline, announced plans to begin construction on the controversial tar sands pipeline. The announcement came in the wake of a major investment by the Alberta government to prop up the failing tar sands industry. 

March 24, 2020

St. Paul, MN -- Today, in response to calls from local advocates to extend the public comment period on a key water crossing permit for Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced an extension of just one week.

March 5, 2020

Conservation, environmental and landowners groups argued in federal court in Montana today that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ issuance of a permit authorizing the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline to be constructed through hundreds of rivers, streams, and wetlands failed to evaluate the project’s impacts, in violation of bedrock U.S. environmental laws.

February 21, 2020

Williams confirmed today that they are cancelling the 125-mile fracked gas Constitution Pipeline

February 3, 2020

Minnesota activists opposed to Line 3 committed to continued opposition to the controversial tar sands pipeline despite a ruling from the Public Utilities Commission approving the certificate of need for the project.

January 6, 2020

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection fined ETC, an affiliate of the gas and propane transportation company Energy Transfer Partners, $30.6 million after its Revolution Pipeline exploded

December 19, 2019

Duluth, MN -- Indigenous and environmental advocates opposed to Line 3 attended a public hearing today on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC) updated environmental impact statement for the controversial tar sands pipeline. 

December 9, 2019

Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) released an updated environmental impact statement downplaying the risks of Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 pipeline to Minnesota’s water resources.

December 3, 2019

This Wednesday afternoon, a group of carolers will gather at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) office to bring holiday cheer and a message to stop the Line 3 pipeline.