
May 23, 2018

The Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has indefinitely suspended portions of a permit required for construction of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)

May 22, 2018

A coalition of environmental advocates filed a motion for stay, asking the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to put an immediate stop to the construction across waterways of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline

May 18, 2018

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) voted to ignore the catastrophic environmental effects of gas pipelines.

May 17, 2018

The Sierra Club is calling on FERC to order the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to immediately cease construction activities after the pipeline’s builders had their Incidental Take Statement vacated

May 16, 2018

Washington, DC -- Today, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied FERC’s motion to hold the Sierra Club and partners’ challenge to the Mountain Valley Pipeline in abeyance. FERC had argued that the case should be paused indefinitely to give the Commission more time to respond to rehearing requests filed in November 2017. The Natural Gas Act requires that FERC act on such requests within 30 days, but FERC regularly uses so-called “tolling orders” in an attempt to give itself more time to respond.

May 14, 2018

With FPL proposing to expand the burning of fracked gas at their Dania Beach plant, residents of South Florida are uniting in opposition

May 14, 2018

With FPL proposing to expand the burning of fracked gas at their Dania Beach plant, residents of South Florida are uniting in opposition

May 4, 2018

This week, the U.S. government fined Enbridge $1.8 million over the Canadian pipeline company’s failure to meet inspection deadlines for a number of its oil pipelines running through the Midwest. The inspections were required as part of a settlement following Enbridge’s disastrous 2010 tar sands pipeline spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which spilled more than 1 million gallons of oil and cost more than $1 billion to clean up.

April 25, 2018

A crowd of activists rallied today outside of a meeting of Bank of America’s shareholders and executives to call on the Charlotte-based bank to drop its financing of dirty and destructive fossil fuel projects.

April 24, 2018

Dominion Energy is trying to suppress efforts to thoroughly evaluate construction of its Atlantic Coast Pipeline by claiming the delays will cost taxpayers money - despite the fact that Dominion wants to pass the costs of the pipeline on to ratepayers.

April 23, 2018

Today, an administrative law judge stopped short of recommending that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approve all of Enbridge’s requests to build a new tar sands oil pipeline in Northern Minnesota.

April 11, 2018

Today, Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC (MVP) announced plans for the Southgate pipeline project that would extend the fracked gas pipeline into North Carolina.