TOMORROW: South Florida Residents Voice Opposition to Expanded Fracked Gas Plant

Members of Directly Affected Communities Will Attend Dania Beach Plant Hearing, Speak with Media

Doug Jackson, 252.432.9716 or

DANIA BEACH, FL -- With Florida Power and Light (FPL) proposing to expand the burning of fracked gas at their Dania Beach plant, residents of South Florida are uniting in opposition. Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 15th, FPL will hold a hearing at the historic Old Davie School and people from surrounding communities will be available for comment on the proposal.

What: South Florida residents available for interviews at Dania Beach hearing

When: Tuesday, May 15th 5 - 6 p.m. (hearing begins at 6 p.m.)

Where: Old Davie School, 6650 Griffin Rd, Davie, FL 33314

Who: Speakers include area residents and community leaders

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