
December 17, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, it was announced that President-elect Joe Biden intends to nominate Michael Regan to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

For the past four years, Regan has led the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality. Regan assumed this role as the department grappled with a devastated morale following budget cuts and staff reductions, not unlike the current state of the EPA. 

December 16, 2020

On December 15, the news broke that President-Elect Joe Biden will select former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to be his Secretary of Energy.

December 16, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, it was announced that President-elect Joe Biden plans to nominate Brenda Mallory, current head of regulatory affairs at the Southern Environmental Law Center, to lead the Council on Environmental Quality. Mallory brings more than three decades of experience working on environmental policy issues to the role. 

In response, Sierra Club President Ramon Cruz released the following statement: 

November 20, 2020

President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris were elected with a decisive mandate to take the bold action needed to address the climate crisis. If interested, Sierra Club experts are available to speak to Biden’s climate mandate, the ongoing transition, and what the climate community expects to see from the incoming administration.

If interested, please contact Jonathon Berman at jonathon.berman@sierraclub.org.

Biden’s Climate Mandate

November 11, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, both the House and Senate released their funding proposals for 2021.

In response, Sierra Club Deputy Legislative Director Kirin Kennedy released the following statement:

June 30, 2020

U.S. Court of Appeals for DC Circuit issued ruled against FERC's controversial practice of issuing tolling orders. The decision has major implications for how fracked gas pipelines get approved and built in the US

December 18, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, according to several reports, Scott Pruitt’s EPA announced the first step in his efforts to replace the Clean Power Plan with a polluter-friendly alternative, throwing out a plan that would prevent 3,600 premature deaths and 90,000 asthma attacks every year by 2030.

December 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following the election of Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate from Alabama, the Sierra Club is joining the call to push for Jones to be seated as soon as possible and for any votes on the Republican tax scheme to be delayed until that happens, in line with logic used by Senate Republicans following the election of Scott Brown in 2010.

January 11, 2017

Today, just ahead of the confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Sierra Club released two hard-hitting ads revealing why Scott Pruitt’s history as a polluter ally makes him unfit to head the agency.

January 10, 2017

Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee started the confirmation process to consider President-elect Donald Trump’s selection for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. During the hearing, Rex Tillerson claimed that climate science is not conclusive.

January 5, 2017

According to E&E News, the Super PAC supporting Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s nominee to be EPA Administrator, is set to continue operations even in the event that Pruitt be confirmed.

January 3, 2017

Today the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued an opinion affirming that a West Virginia coal mine violated the Clean Water Act when it discharged toxic pollution into nearby waterways.