
June 5, 2018

Boise, ID -- Today, amid a deluge of corruption scandals and serious questions about his abuse of taxpayer dollars, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is visiting Boise, Idaho. Already, Pruitt spoke with KIDO Talk Radio host Kevin Miller about Pruitt’s long record of attacking clean air and water safeguards that protect the health of Idaho families.

June 4, 2018

As EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s scandals continue to accrue, he’s refusing to answer questions from the Senate about his violations of the law. Amid new reports of excessive spending, use of EPA staff time to meet his personal needs, and extravagant gifts from coal barons, Pruitt is expected to blow through today’s Senate deadline for providing information on his ethical lapses stemming from last month’s hearing.

June 1, 2018

Today the Washington Post reported that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt spent $1,560 of taxpayer dollars on 12 fountain pens from the Tiny Jewel Box, which calls itself Washington’s “premier destination for fine jewelry and watches.” The purchases were revealed as a result of a Sierra Club Freedom of Information Act request. Pruitt spent more taxpayer dollars per pen (~$130) than he did of his own money per night ($50) and even per month ($1500) on his luxury condo rental.

May 31, 2018

Yesterday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said that if we "really care about clean air," the U.S. should export coal from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming to Asia and Indonesia.

May 23, 2018

Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment, Amigos Bravos, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, and the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit today for an order requiring the EPA to finalize the Four Corners Generating Station’s water pollution permit. The EPA has missed two permitting cycles to update the coal plant’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water pollution permit that was last issued in 2001.

May 22, 2018

Not content with having violated multiple federal laws already, Scott Pruitt escalated matters to violating the Constitution today when reporters were thrown out -- including an Associated Press reporter being physically accosted -- at a “summit” on deadly toxins polluting waterways and drinking water.

May 22, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After keeping Americans in the dark on a number of deadly chemicals contaminating our water, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is now violently barring The Associated Press, CNN and E&E news from a national summit on harmful water contaminants.

May 21, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, Politico reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's top aide met with chemical industry representatives just after news broke about the agency suppressing a study on health effects of two common chemicals-- perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).

May 17, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, The Hill reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt plans to repeal key parts of the Chemical Safety Rule meant to inform the public of chemical hazards before disasters happen. The decision would also rescind a one-year deadline for chemical incident reports. The Chemical Safety Rule applies to 12,500 facilities, including chemical manufacturers, refineries and fertilizer plants.

May 17, 2018

As he floundered yesterday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt revealed that he broke federal law on multiple accounts and lied about his corruption and scandals numerous other times.

May 16, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, under intense scrutiny from Senators Tom Udall, Pat Leahy, and Chris Van Hollen, Scott Pruitt floundered when attempting to justify his scandals and corrupt behavior that has resulted in 16 investigations. In the process, he admitted to violating federal law when pressed. Some of the lowlights:

May 15, 2018

Today, embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt faces a Senate hearing where he must answer for his unethical and illegal actions. He can try his best to shift the blame, but these scandals all have one thing in common: Scott Pruitt. Below are just the highlights of the long list of Pruitt’s wrongdoings.